How a 19-year-old used his Core Values and Mission to raise over $750,000,000 to fight cancer.
Terry fox was a 19-year-old young man who had his leg amputated due to cancer. Terry made it his Mission in Life to fight for a cure and inform people about cancer and its suffering.
Terry was successful with the mission he established because of his core values. Terry decided to run across Canada on his prosthetic leg to raise awareness and money to fight cancer.
To prepare for his run, it was titled the marathon of hope, Terry ran 26 miles daily to train. One day terry was running, his prosthetic broke at mile 23. Terry hitched a ride home, clamped his prosthetic together, completed the last 3 miles of his daily marathon.
Persistence – Terry’s Persistence was a Key Core Value that drove him to train hard. Courage – Terry’s Courage allowed him to set a BIG Goal despite his own cancer.
Terry Fox died in 1981 at age 21. Commitment – Terry’s Commitment kept him training and helped him to run 3/5 across Canada before cancer returned and forced a stop.
Read about the Terry Fox story here.
Terry backed his Mission with Core Values including Persistence, Courage, and Commitment. Your Values can help you do great things for others, your family, and yourself.
You may not raise $750 million to fight cancer, but you can accomplish dreams if you back your actions and Life Mission with powerful Core Values supporting you to reach your Goals and Dreams.
This blog will teach you how to use values to power your success and achieve goals in all areas of life.
This article will know and use values that will power your greatest results. Your greatest personal and professional successes will come from the Values you apply in life.
This article shows you how Core Values fit in your Personal Development Plan.
Here is a question. Have you identified your Values?

Core Values Definition :
Values are the power source behind your goals and Mission in Life.
Values are the philosophies, beliefs, or ideas that support drive you to action in everything you do.
Your Values should support your Work-Life Balance To-Do List.
Identify your values and understand which values help power your success. Identify and adopt values you could use effectively to help you achieve all your goals. Use the Values Identification process we recommend in our Template called Values Power Success.
Download Values Power Success Template HERE $5
FREE Video tutorial, How Core Values Power Success HERE
We will tell you how to do every part of that Template on here, but if you want to use it for convenience, download it and put it on your phone.
Use Adobe Reader @ getadobefree.com to download. The Template is fillable when opened with Adobe Reader.
What are the steps to pick your Values?

Step 1. Journal your Ideal Beautiful Pictures
If you have already Journaled Your Ideal Beautiful Pictures in Balance Life Today Template, you can copy and paste into Values Power Success Template.
If you have not completed the Balance Life Today Template, download the free version HERE, or the $5.00 upgrade including six action plans and a 20-page journal HERE.
The Productivity Pro Course and 9 Template Bundle is on sale!
$37 – save 25% by purchasing this now!
Copy and paste the Ideal Beautiful Pictures you journaled in Balance Life Today. If you have not done Balance life Today, Journal your Beautiful Ideal Pictures at The Ideal picture Exercise in Values Power Success

Journal a Beautiful Ideal Picture for each Area of Focus. Determine Values illustrated by your Pictures.

This Beautiful Ideal Picture is one I did in Balance Life Today Template
Step 2. Identify Core Values best supporting Ideal Pictures

This is the Beautiful ideal picture for a Family with the Values I identified. From Values Power Success.

I picked Empathy and Family-Focused as Values indicated by the Family Ideal Picture. From Values List in Values Power Success Template.
Journal or copy-paste ideal pictures for all your important Areas of Focus. Identify values indicated by Ideal Pictures.
Here is a link for 173 Values List HERE 7:11 -7;51
Step 3. List your Chosen Core Values with How and Why
In this section, you list your Values stating how you define and measure your progress. Schedule self-evaluation reviews.

Set your benchmarks for Values you picked out for all areas of life. Give yourself a rating relative to Ideal Pictures or benchmarks you created. Date your rating and review every 6 months.
Use a To-Do List and Tracking to Practice and strengthen your Core Values. HERE
In this section, you list your Personal Values stating how you define and measure your progress. Also, Schedule self-evaluation reviews.
Use your Self-Talk Plan to improve daily Value focus.
Your Core Values definitions give you a benchmark for self-rating. Give yourself a percentage rating and date your review.
Step 4.Use and Review your Core Values
Use your Core Values as a guide for decisions in all areas.

List your chosen Core Values, date, and self-rate, set up the next review date.

Core Values guide and power your climb to dreams
Pick Core Values carefully to guide and power your wild dreams.
Download Values Power Success HERE $5 or the Productivity Program Bundle $37 on sale 25% off!
Achieve Goals with Systems Blog Article HERE
Personal Development using 4 Templates
How to Synchronize your Values with the Co. Core Values. HERE
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