Work Life Balance
Work-Life Balance Template will Balance Your Goals In All Areas of Life. What area of your life would you like to see more balance? Is it your family area? Is it your financial area?
Is it an area of your career? Is it the area of your mental growth? Is it your spiritual area? Where do you need to improve and grow yourself?
This post will show you how to use a template to measure, monitor, and make your work-life balance work for you every day.
Here’s Why Work Life Balance Template is So Important

I was doing a speech in New York City. The New York Times was delivered to my hotel room. I read an obituary about a gentleman from Colgate Palmolive who had died in a helicopter crash.
What was interesting about this obituary was it was very long, but only about 20% was about his business accomplishments. This gentleman had done very well. He was a major executive traveling all over the world. He was well paid, very successful, and very well educated.
The 18-hour flight he had from China to see one of his daughter’s concerts back in New York City, and how he had to fly right back to China to do work on a deal right after the concert. It’s interesting what we find out about people that practice work life balance.
We find they have a full life while they are successful in business.
Maybe they are not as successful as some in business, but they are successful in all areas of their life. Those with a proper work-life balance are achieving their dreams in all areas of their life. They are achieving some level of success in everything that matters to them.
Our executive example obviously worked very hard at keeping a positive work-life balance to make it work. His obituary well described a man that had a life of balance and achievement throughout. Obviously, he planned it. How can we do the same?
What is a Work Life Balance Template?
It is a tool to balance your goals and your current status. A positive work-life balance is achieved by looking at the ideal picture of your life in important areas and matching them against your current performance in those areas.

The first part would be number one: identify the important areas of your life, and list them.
Go to this VIDEO HERE to see a Balance Life Today tutorial.

This Work life Balance Template, Balance Life Today, and upgrade 20-page journal and 6 Step Action Plan are powerful personal and professional development tools.
Download the FREE template: Balance Life Today HERE, and upgrade if you want HERE for $5.
Go to this Blog HERE to see how Balance Life Today works in your Personal Development Plan.
Follow my instructions in the video and blog, and you can use the upgrade functions in your own journal.
You can download the upgrade, pay for it, and use the functions on your personal digital device. These tools are PDFs. You read them with Adobe Reader so that you can use the interactive function on these templates.
They allow you to write, to check off your actions, and to plan how you are going to achieve anything you want to achieve and all the important areas of your life.
Here are Mayo Clinic’s tips for Work-Life Balance
https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult- health/in-depth /work-life-balance/art-20048134
Work Life Balance Template Tutorial
Step 1: Identifying the Important Areas of Your Life

Areas of Focus are identified and ready for a Beautiful Ideal Picture in this screengrab from Balance Life Today, Step 2.
Step 2: Create A Clear and Ideal Picture of How You Want to Write Each Section
To write it up, you do some journaling, and you write up how you are going to perform at the highest, the best level for you – an ideal level. You are tapping into more of your potential in this exercise. Describe the ideal level that you would be very excited and thrilled about, and it would be a level that pushes you to perform well in that area to create an ideal picture.

This Beautiful Ideal Picture describes Family/Relationships.
Step 3: Rate Your Current Picture Performance Vs. Your Ideal Picture Performance

The example shows Family/Relationships self-rated as OK and a 5. These ratings are your current picture versus the described Beautiful Ideal Picture.
Rate yourself by asking how well you are doing in this area?
The Beautiful Ideal Pictures you describe will give your ideas for action. Do those ratings across the board for the different areas of life. If you have rated yourself, create Your Balance Life Today plan.
Step 4: Set Up Your Balance Plan, Keys to Success, and Focused Actions and autofill Master To Do List
This is where you list the challenges, the things that keep you up at night. Your goals are the keys to success in each area. Once you’ve written them down, identify Focused Actions For Improvement. Describe your Focused Actions set SMART goals for each of those challenges/keys.

When we speak of challenges, we are talking about your actions or keys to success in this area. The section labeled A, B, and C and each planning block for Balance Life Today plan are where you note actions, keys to success, or challenges.
Goals are keys to success. In each area, create a list of smart goals Just to review, Smart Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Actionable, Realistic or Relevant, and Time-Bound. You want them to have deadlines. Balance Life Today helps you put SMART goals in place.
Just remember the key acronym: SMART – smart, specific, measurable., attainable or actionable relative or realistic, and time-bound. These are your guidelines when you are setting a goal.
Master To-Do List Life Balance
Notice how your Master To-Do List for Life Balance is generated from your Focused Actions. Identify the Focused Actions to real a goal and you have created a to-do list.
Step 5: Set Up Your Plan of Action/Area of Focus Strategy
By using the upgraded To Do List template!

This is our Extended Plan of Action for the To-Do List upgrade. Buy the Upgrade HERE for $5!
The Balance Life Today Upgrade includes 6 Plans of Action (1 for each area of life). The Plan of Action helps you plan any goal.
The Balance Life Today upgrade ALSO includes a 20-page journal.
Journal Anything Anywhere With A 20-page Portable Journal

Journaling can help you achieve anything. Journaling allows you to sort out and organize your thoughts and vision. Journaling helps you generate action ideas for your health, wealth, and happiness.

CONCLUSION: This article has shown you how to achieve your Wok-Life Balance using a 5 Step process. Start today and create the Life Balance that will support you to achieve anything you desire!
Please like and share this article with anyone who wants to improve their results and Work-Life Balance.
Download Balance Life Today upgrade for $5 HERE!
Download 9 Template Bundle and enroll in Productivity Pro Course today! HERE!
Personal Development using 4 Templates blog.
Use THESE systems to Achieve Goals and stay motivated!
- Work Life Balance
- Here’s Why Work Life Balance Template is So Important
- What is a Work Life Balance Template?
- Work Life Balance Template Tutorial
- Step 1: Identifying the Important Areas of Your Life
- Step 2: Create A Clear and Ideal Picture of How You Want to Write Each Section
- Step 3: Rate Your Current Picture Performance Vs. Your Ideal Picture Performance
- Step 4: Set Up Your Balance Plan, Keys to Success, and Focused Actions and autofill Master To Do List
- Step 5: Set Up Your Plan of Action/Area of Focus Strategy
- Journal Anything Anywhere With A 20-page Portable Journal