To-Do List Template
How to achieve goals or virtually anything using To-Do List Template and Track It Success Template.
A person could raise $1,000,000 for their favorite charity using Time Management.
Someone could save $1,000,000 for yourself using these techniques.
A person could be a Better Parent using time management techniques.
You could be BETTER at ANYTHING using To-Do List Template.
Templates can help you focus and get results immediately. Think of your To-Do List Template as you would a map or your GPS. A map, GPS, or even simple directions can help you arrive at your destination.
Time Management: Definition
Time management definition for our purposes is: Your process to use skills and resources to achieve any dream, goal, plan, project, or task. Think of time management as a tool to Achieve Goals.
If you have a $20,000,000 dream, time management will give you the chance to make that dream come true.
Use To-Do List Template every day to Achieve Goals

Time Management Quotes
First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. –Aristotle
You can’t fall if you don’t climb. But there’s no joy in living your whole life on the ground. –Unknown
It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. –Abraham Lincoln
Time Management Tools
Use Time Management Tools to achieve exciting goals and dreams. Classic time management tools that are proven to work over the years include To-Do Lists, Dream It and Goal Planning Systems, and tracking systems.
Using a to-do list template helps you organize and complete important activities.
Tracking systems help you track problems or obstacles and your victories.

This blog article walks you through a goal-setting workshop.
Smart goals planning help you create Specific Measurable Achievable Relative and Time-bound Goals. Plan smart goals and use To-Do List Template daily.
– Make sure each list item is clearly stated and specific. This helps you know when you have completed the item.
– know how you are going to visibly measure your progress.
– Make sure you can achieve what you put on your list.
– Is your item relative to your big goals and projects or daily have-to items?
– Use a deadline that adds urgency and gives you milestones.

Time Management Examples
John F. Kennedy set the goal for man to go to the moon in 10 years.
In 1961, President Kennedy made a speech challenging America to put a man on the Moon in 10 years. NASA made a big to-do list, set that goal, set up project plans with more checklists, NASA tracked results, and acted.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong took man’s first steps on the Moon.
This 37-year-old client set a goal to retire by the age of 50. The client made a big To-Do List with this goal.
The client tracked all the interviews and locations to start their journey. This client had 85 prospects, 11 interviews, three job offers. They accepted the job with the opportunity, and in a location that worked for their family.

We talked to that client only a few times over those 12 years, every time they would talk about how they were tracking their goal and what they would do next to get there.
As a result, the client was 49 when they called saying they had reached their financial independence goal.12 years after they wrote it down.
They are living their dreams because of their To-Do List, Dreams, Goals, Plans of Action, in addition, they Tracked their way to those Goals achieved.
Download Track It Success Template HERE
3 Time Management Skills can Produce Legendary Results
Time management skills produced the first millionaire in the U.S.

Time management skills include:
A daily To Do List Template Strategy
Achieve Goals with Daily Action Plans
Tracking problems or victories.
Ben Franklin outlines his daily planning process in his autobiography from 1790.
Part of Ben’s plan was to ask himself two questions each day.
What Good Shall I do today?
At the start of the day: What good shall I do today?
At the end of the day: What good have I done do today?
More ideas from the United States first millionaire later.
Bethlehem Steel reached $500,000 annual sales over 100 years ago.
A To-Do List strategy was credited by President Charles Schwab.
Ivy Lee System
The Ivy Lee System goes like this:
Ivy lee was an efficiency expert who gave Schwab this To-Do List System.
List six items you would like to get done.
Number your list in order of importance.
Work on the number one item until complete.
Work down your list in order of importance.
Carry over any items necessary to the next day.
These are to Do List Templates found in Do It Now Templates

To Do List Template
To Do List Template is your guide for setting up a productive day, week, month, year, or lifetime.
Use this to-do list template to make commitments and keep them to paint an exciting future for yourself.
A Billionaire once said they got their start by committing to make a sale a day. Because they kept their sales commitment, they were able to Achieve goals and buy their own business.
They were interested in owning professional sports teams. They put on their goal list to sponsor a class C baseball team. 40 years later, the billionaire had owned three different major professional sports teams.
You can use this to-do list template to start moving toward any exciting dreams. Like the billionaire, you can achieve wild and crazy dreams!
Read this Blog article to Achieve Goals with a To-Do List.
What is To-Do List Template PDF?
This to-do list template is a fillable PDF. Achieve Goals using a To-Do List Template every day. Use the free or UPGRADE To Do List Template on your phone and use it anytime. Plan a great day or scroll the day away.

To-Do List Quotes
To-Do List quotes to motivate action.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail – Benjamin Franklin
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe
It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about? Henry David Thoreau
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus – Alexander Graham Bell
“The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time.” -Mozart
Why is a To Do List Template PDF important
Using a daily to-do list template PDF is important because it keeps you moving. Because you Achieve Goals based on daily actions compounded over time.
To-Do List Template allows you to make and recognize your daily progress create the life you really desire.
A quality To-Do List moves you daily to Achieve Goals.
Watch this video to use a To-Do List Template to Achieve anything!
How to: Create a To-Do List to Achieve Goals and exciting dreams
You will achieve exciting dreams and goals by asking yourself three questions when making your To Do List Template each day:
- What are my important goals? What big goal progress actions can I work on today? Write down the important actions you can complete or move forward on.
- What do I have to do today? Example: Tasks or chores not directly related to your dream goals. Write these down.
- Ask yourself the Ben Franklin What Good Did I Do To-Day question and answer it at the end of the day. Write a positive, encouraging review and what you learned or will improve.
Examples of Filled out To Do List Template

To Do List Template Upgrade adds 12 Plan of Actions and 2 Wheel of Fortune Planners

3 Rules to Make a Great To-Do List
Use SMART Goals Thinking
Use smart goals thinking anytime you’re working on a to-do list or your goals. The acronym SMART and the SMART Checklist illustration below can help you.
Ivey Lee Method-
The ivy lee method helps you make a powerful to-do list daily. This method is four steps:
- List six items you need to do today.
- Number your list in order of importance.
- Complete number one and move on to the next item.
- Move incomplete items to the next day.
To-Do List Template makes the Ivey Lee Method work for you easy as scrolling.
Ben Franklin – What Good!
By the age of 42, Ben franklin was worth 1.4 Billion dollars in today’s money. He was the 1st millionaire over 270 years ago.
Ask yourself the Ben Franklin-What Good Did I Do Today Question at the end of the day.
Use these three rules every day to improve and learn each day to achieve excellence.
Use a To Do List Template to reach your dreams daily!

To-Do List Template allows you to create a list and work on it anywhere you carry your Smartphone.
With Do It Now Templates installed on your phone, your to-do list and your dreams and goals are at your fingertips.
To-do list or social networking, what are you going to work on?
Achieve Goals Multiply Victories and Reduce Problems
Use Track it success template to achieve goals. Identify several goals identify the potential problems.
Read this blog tutorial: Time Management- 3 Tracking Systems to Achieve Big Goals.
For example: Perhaps you have identified a type of prospect who really loves your product.
You can multiply your number of good prospects.
Start by counting how many prospects you have that fit the profile. Set a goal for THESE prospects to have in your prospect box. Every time you develop a prospect of this type, note it in Track-It Success!
Ask your “What Good” question about your to-do list daily at the end of the day. Note your tracking results each day in your Daily Review. Daily self-evaluation will help you improve daily results.

Download your own copy of Ben Franklin’s Autobiography here.
How Tracking works
Watch this tutorial on How to use Tracking to multiply your success.
Tracking helps to focus on what you want to improve or problems you want to reduce or eliminate. Everyone is using tracking to go through their day.
Tracking helps you know how much gasoline is in your car or notice the warning when your fuel is low. Have you ever run out of gas? Were you paying some attention to your gas gauge?
Just like you make sure you have enough fuel, use tracking actively to support your high-octane goals and life.
Tracking definition for time management
The tracking definition for time management: tracking for time management means you are measuring obstacles and victories important to Achieve Goals.
This article shows 3 tracking systems to multiply your success and reduce problems.
Examples: Tracking for time management
Jane who works for the big box store: Jane wants to save money. She figured out she spends $150 a month daily coke and donuts.
She loves her daily soda pop & doughnut but she wants to change this habit. To improve her health, she plans alternatives for her morning habit. On mornings she does not go for the doughnut and pop, she eats 25¢ instant oatmeal with homemade iced tea.
She tracks either how many days she eats home, or how many days a month she eats out. If she actively tracks this, and really wants to change her habits, tracking will give for the feedback she needs. In many cases, tracking alone will get you good results.
If results are not changing, she will have good data to talk to a professional because she is tracking actively.

Some areas of tracking focus are:
Tracking helps with Issues
Track any issues you need to work on. Anywhere Do you have a lot of negative self-talk? Negative internal communication can stop you are slow you down.
This knowledge allows you to recognize the negative and unuseful nature of some of this internal communication. When you understand your internal voice, it loses its power.
Recognize the nature of your internal voice, and that recognition means you know what it is.
Habits have Underlying Factors
habits have underlying factors.
What are the underlying factors or what stimulates that negative internal communication?
X happens (underlying factor) and the Y is the negative internal self-talk you hear. These underlying factors are also called triggers or antecedents.
Cause and effect example: Someone who bites their fingernails when stressed. A good question to ask is why they were stressed. What was the nature of the occurrence?
Tracking the nail-biting events and answering the question to yourself “What was I thinking about or doing right before I bit my nails?”. If you can identify an underlying factor, you’ll be prepared to battle the bad habit next time.
Here is the Tracking System Ben Franklin used over 200 years ago!

Track Numbers to Achieve Goals
Track numbers everywhere to Achieve Goals. Number of calories consumed today? The number of calories burned today?
How many miles to the gallon?
How many miles on that charge?
What was your charitable giving? How many dollars did you give away?
Did you work for a charity? What work did you complete in your top payoff activities today?
Top payoff activities are those activities that give you the highest psychic and financial reward. Track and improve the time and effort you spend in top payoff activities and you will have good money problems!
How tracking improves results
Tracking helps you Achieve Goals because of focus and attention. For example, remember that fuel illustration. If you are aware and have some focus on your fuel levels, it is common sense you will have fewer empty tank problems.
Give attention to problems, victories, and habits to Achieve Goals.

Learn about your Shadow Side for Tracking to remove obstacles and achieve goals.
Reduce or eliminate problems
Tracking does reduce or eliminate problems. The company pays attention to the tracking data, they know what to work on and how to educate employees. Companies that pay attention to tracking, are most responsive to their customers’ needs and their business goals.
Another example: A person wants to lose weight. They track calories eaten, and calories burned each day.
If they Know their calories burned and consumed, they will have data to Set and Achieve Goals.
Another result, while measuring, often people will reduce calories eaten and increase their burn just by tracking.
Place one Item you Track in To Do List Template daily.
Multiply Victories
You can multiply victories by a tracking, do it this way:
Salesman example: A salesperson stores tracking their happiest, highest profit margin customers. Tracking those customers gives a salesman data out the desired customer profile.
The salesman sets goals to adds profiled prospects and daily contacts. The salesperson can Achieve Goals, and gets rich with happy customers!
Another example: A person wants to be debt-free. The person tracks Debt levels and payments. With goals and a true desire behind, that which is measured gets improved.
Tracking, while focusing on goals and dreams, helps measure progress.
Using tracking, you have information to Achieve goals and dreams. Tracking is a daily To Do List Template entry.
Habit management tool
Tracking is a habit management tool because knowledge is power. When a person tracks a habit, they’ll receive information to change the habit. Improve habits to Achieve Goals.
For example, A person bites their fingernails. They tracked when they bit their nails. The tracking said most of those times chewing their nails were high stress.
When people connect stress to their nail-biting, they have a chance to manage and reduce the stress.
Disclaimer: None of my blog is medical advice. I am NOT a Doctor. Get professional medical advice if you need it.

Achieve Goals with Track It Success
Track It success is a set of fillable PDF Templates to help you track anything you want to improve. Use this free Adobe Reader to open and fill out these templates.
Download Track It Success HERE
What is Track It! Success! Template
Track it success template is your portable tool to focus on improved results. The template is with you all the time on your phone for easy access.
Why use Track It Success
Three Great Reasons To Use Track It Success
A person can improve their health using tracking.
Anyone with the desire can build wealth using tracking.
People can be happier each day using tracking.
H3 How to use Track It Success Template
Improve your health by tracking your good and bad health habits.
Build your wealth by tracking financial habits that help or hurt.
Reduce or eliminate bad habits and multiply good habits with tracking.
Build your happiness by tracking negative self-talk or worries.
Examples using tracking template
Examples using tracker template:
Health Example:
Health Example: Jane wants her daily calorie intake to be less than 2000 calories. She measures her results daily using 6 Track It Templates at the number one spot.
The checkmarks she used for days she met her goal. The time stamps on the right show the last food is eaten time. She is improving her eating habits and health using tracking.
Wealth Example
Wealth Example: Jane wants to build her wealth by saving 20% of her monthly paycheck.
She tracks her monthly investment amount in space 4 of 6 Track It Templates to build the habit. You can see that she has tracked through number six or October 2020.
The checked-off investments indicate she met her goal that month. In June she invested 60% less. She saved 50% less than her goal in September. Studying her performance, she finds changes or improvements that are needed.

Habits Example
Habits Example:
Habits example using nail-biting:
Jane occasionally bites are nails and does pretty good damage. She committed to tracking and not judging herself each time she bites her nails. Notice she only caught herself three times in seven months.
She knows every time she is going to bite their nails that she is committed to Track it.
Tracking her activities, using no judgment, Jane knows when and why she bites her nails. She now has a chance to improve.
Happiness tracking example: Jane has decided that her happiness tracking will track her use of Affirmations. Jane practices positive self-talk reading 100 affirmations daily.
She has a perfect record for the 14 days. Jane wants to improve her reading schedule tracking to 9:00 AM or earlier.
Jane noticed two days of 14 she did not meet her goal of 9:00 AM or earlier.

CONCLUSION: In this article, the methods to use the To-Do List Template and Track It Success Template have been introduced. These are tools to plan and track tasks for time management. Use your To-Do List each day and add to your list anything you are tracking. Do the tracking during the day, and recap in your Daily Review. How did you perform in the areas you are tracking? Use your To-Do List & Tracking to work on ANY goal or dream!
Write in the comments, anything you are Tracking to improve a habit or add profits. Please like and share this article!
- To-Do List Template
- Time Management: Definition
- What is To-Do List Template PDF?
- Achieve Goals Multiply Victories and Reduce Problems
- How Tracking works